Angels Are Among Us

#positiveimpact communtiysupport learnandgrow Nov 24, 2023

In our Virtual Co-Workspace & Community we have been reading & studying the Carol Tuttle Book Remembering Wholeness for a few months & most recently at our Wednesday morning book study we were discussing the chapter "Angels Are Among Us". This chapter talks about the power of being able to send angels, ours or otherwise to aide & support others in need anytime.
Right after that discussion I went to drive my children to school when we came across 2 cars on the side of the road with a cop car that had lights on & then we saw a school bus across the street in a driveaway with the hood up & another cop car with lights on by the bus. Now there didnt appear to be an accident just maybe engine trouble because we could see people in the front part of the bus & a car alarm going off that sounded like it might by coming from the bus. 
As we kept driving I simply said well that didnt look like anything bad just trouble maybe we could send then angels to support & surround them with love & guidance to my 10 year old daughter. She said "we can do that?" I continued to share with her what I had just learned with my community earlier that morning that it can be that easy, She said "OKay Shhh shhh shhh" after 30-40sec of silence (which can be a long time for this child hehe) she snapped "MOM, did you do it?" I shared with her that I did & said how proud I was that we did it & implemented what I learned! I took it a step further to share with her that if she sees someone in class or anywhere that appears to be having trouble that could use support or some extra love that she could always send angels for them too & that she can absolutely call on angels to guide & support her anytime as well! This is so key because I help adults remember to GIVE to themselves the way they selflessly give to others, so I want to teach my children this way sooner & I AM!
On the way back through town after dropping the kids off at school & I came back across the bus to find an ambulance loading someone up & instantly burst in tears feeling overwhelmed with joy that we sent angels even without know what was happening & also for the fact that I still didnt know what was happening but that as I went over the next hill I met yet another ambulance on it's way to the scene. I still am unsure what happened but after school my sweet P. said "hey mom was the bus still there after you dropped us off this morning?" so I told her about the ambulance & affirmed that we did a good thing sending angels just by seeing what we saw & that I felt it made a difference even more after seeing that there was more urgency! 
I shared this story within my book study community space with my ladies & Sister B who leads the Faith OP space made the comment "that girl of yours is a bright light, she sure is something special!" -- I was hiking & in tears at that point because I knew she was right & I was one proud mama! Of course my community affirmed "she has a great teacher, she really trusts her mom to take action in the moment like that etc" IT REALLY DOES TAKE A VILLAGE! 
Fast forward about a week later Sweet P. got a package in the mail from Sister B which I had no idea what it was so it was extremely heartwarming to see she sent this angel décor to her, which prompted her to say why did she send this to me & even thought the letter inside said she hears stories about her from me I got to share with her the angel story specifically to bring us back into so much gratitude that day! Gratitude for friendship that blossom our relationships in new ways, for the easy opportunities to bring good to other in need, & the surprise gifts that arrive in our lives because people SEE US. Subscribe because more of these stories are coming! Please comment your angel stories so I can share them with my children. 

Your Connection Strategist
Becky P.
[email protected]

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